
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Tap2Earn GRO


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Game Basics

Q1: How do I start the game?

A: Simply open the app and start tapping on the area with meditating Gro (blue zone) on the main screen.

Q2: What is energy and how do I get it?

A: Energy is the main currency of the game. You receive it by tapping on the Gro area on the main screen.

Q3: What is a resource and why is it needed?

A:  The resource is needed to convert into energy. Without it, you will not be able to get energy when you tap. The resource is spent proportionally to each tap, so you have the ability to improve the capacity of resources

Q4: How do I increase the amount of energy received per tap?

A: Go to the Upgrade screen and improve the “Energy per click” parameter.

Upgrades and Progress

Q5: How do I increase my level?

A: Your level increases automatically when you accumulate a certain amount of energy. We recommend that you keep track of your energy points in the level table 

Q6: What upgrades are available in the game?

A: There are three main upgrades available: resource recovery speed, energy per click, and resource capacity.

Q7: How do I increase the resource recovery speed?

A: On the Upgrade screen, select the “Recovery Speed” category and purchase the upgrade.

Q8: What does increasing resource capacity do?

A: Increasing resource capacity allows you to accumulate more resources, which enables you to click longer without interruption.

Q9: Is there a limit to the number of upgrades?

A: No, you can upgrade characteristics as many times as your energy supply allows.

Referral System

Q10: How do I invite friends to the game?

A: On the Referrals screen, click the “Send Invite” button and select your Telegram contacts, or click and copy the link to your clipboard

Q11: What bonuses do I get for invited friends?

A: You receive a percentage of the energy earned by your referrals at each of the three levels.

Q12: How can I find out how much energy I received from referrals?

A: This information is available on the Referrals screen in the statistics section.

Technical Issues

Q13: The game freezes when I tap, what should I do?

A: Try restarting the application. If the problem persists, contact customer support.

Q14: How do I contact customer support?


Q15: Is my progress saved if I reinstall the game?

A: Progress is assigned to your Telegram username 


Q16: Is there an achievement system in the game?

A: Currently, there is no separate achievement system in the game, but you can track your progress through levels and upgrades.

Q17: Are game updates planned?

A: The game will be updated and expanded, stay tuned for official news!

Q18: Can I play without an internet connection?

A: The game is only possible with an internet connection.

Q19: How does multi-click work?

A: You can use up to 8 fingers simultaneously to tap on the Gro area, each touch will be counted separately.

Q20: Is there a limit to the amount of energy that can be accumulated?

A: There are no limitations.